Our Brand Story

16 years ago, my mother and I (Jessica) started a family business. Our company can be called a (micro - cottage) small medium enterprise. In the cottage industry, we focus on incorporating communities, especially women, elderly people, and the disableds.

We offer them a safe environment to earn a living and a space where they are free to be who they are. We offer work in the factory and we offer them a work-from-home option (they are given what they need in order to do the work from home).

These operations range from light sewing, knitting, hand embroideries, attachments and other small elements like that. if they are willing to learn a specific skill, we teach them and bring the work to them. We offer them all benefits including social security, health, housing, and bonuses.

From this, you can see why we were interested in bringing these special handmade toys to our customers. Helping those who cannot get work to help their families thrive is a wonderful gift our factories give. We are very proud of our factories.

Kasiao has partnered with the government on a program to assist people with disabilities in their employment. Love is not lost because of disability, love is not missing because of appearance, and love is not lost because of giving. Kasiao has been committed to providing assistance to those in need, holding up the sky of the disadvantaged with strong arms, and sharing the mind of good thoughts that can make the sunshine of harmony brighter.

  • Activity Room

  • Equipment Room

  • Lounge Room

  • Skill Training